- Events,which are not sports events, cultural events, family events, private events, music and dance events, and which are held outdoors and have a capacity of 500 or more attendees (except for those employed there) (hereinafter referred to as „other events”) may be attended only by persons who are in possession of a certificate of immunity and by persons under the age of eighteen who are under their supervision.
- Smaller outdoor events (less than 500 participants) may be attended by anyone.
- If the other event takes place indoors, only persons with an immunity certificate against coronavirus and persons under the age of 18 under their supervision may attend the event, except for those employed there.
- Participation in sporting events as spectators and in musical and dancing events is restricted to persons protected against the coronavirus and persons under the age of 18 under their supervision.
- At events organized on University campuses, the immunity card will be checked by the UPS Campus XXI Non-Profit Ltd. staff at the entrance. During a University event organized off campus (off-site), the organizers and the security service responsible for the event will check the immunity card. The event organizers and the colleagues who carry out the event are considered to be employed at other events. In case the event is required by law to be attended by persons in possession of an immunity card and the presentation of the card is a condition of participation, but the participant does not have or refuses to show the card, or does not have or refuses to show an official identity card suitable for proving the identity indicated on the immunity card, the security service staff, with the assistance of the organizers, will refuse entry to the participant and prevent his/her entry.
- The use of masks is compulsory for indoor events on University campuses (the use of a medical mask or FFP2 mask is recommended). The removal of the mask is only permitted during lectures.
- If there are multiple entrances to the venue, please ensure that all are available to receive guests where possible.
- During breaks and after the event, ventilation is compulsory in the rooms affected by the event.
- Hand sanitisers must be available at the entrances to the event venues and at on-site registration points. Cleaning of frequently used surfaces in event venues, in particular tables, chairs, door and window handles, light and other switches, IT equipment (including microphones) and toilets, is required after each event. It is recommended that information material on hygiene rules be displayed at the venue.
- When setting up venues, particular attention should be paid to the proper spacing of chairs.
- For indoor events, the number of participants should be limited to 50% of the room capacity. Seating is permitted for 80 people in the Széchenyi Ceremonial Hall, for 120 people in the St. Ladislaus Chapel and for 40 people in the Zrínyi and Hunyadi Rooms. In the Ludovika Arena, depending on the size of the stage, seating is permitted for approximately 450 people (fighting area) + 700 people (total seating capacity on two stands, including mobile stands). For events organized in a classroom, half of the seating capacity is also a requirement. For outdoor events, an individual assessment of the circumstances and number of people is required in each case.
- Pre-registration is required for all events, so pre- and on-site registration is mandatory for all events. For University events, this must be done via the LudEvent digital interface, for hosted events this will be provided by the external partner. Paper-based on-site registration is prohibited! Please contact the Communication and Program Office (hereinafter referred to as CPO) if you have any questions regarding the LudEvent system.
- It is recommended to organize on-site registration with several colleagues and over a larger area to avoid congestion and to ensure safe distancing.
- After the event accompanying receptions can be organized, but special attention should be paid to hygiene. For indoor events, service counters should be adequately spaced (min. 1.5 m) and several food and drink counters are recommended to avoid creating a crowd. In the case of buffet receptions, catering staff should be responsible for serving food from the counter. If possible, the organizing of catering in small groups, in phases is preferred. It is recommended to increase the number of standing tables or to space tables further apart. Hand sanitisers should be provided at several points at the event and catering venues.
- The use of masks is compulsory during the usage of catering services and their removal is only permitted for the time of consumption.
- Participation in University events as organisers, guests and speakers is only permitted for those who are in good health and do not have any symptoms of illness.
It is the responsibility of the Department organizing the event to ensure that safety regulations are observed and enforced.
In case of questions, please contact the colleagues of the Communication and Program Office and the Campus Directorate:
CPO: rendezveny@uni-nke.hu; +3630874-73-89
CD: campus.igazgatosag@uni-nke.hu; +3630580-69-92