- Do not come to the University ill! If you, or someone in your household, has any of the symptoms of a coronavirus infection (severe cough, lethargy, high fever over 38 degrees, smell and taste problems), do not go to the University, stay at home and see a doctor immediately and follow the instructions. In this case, inform your supervisor at work. In the case of students, please send an e-mail to the Dean’s Office (email address), and all university citizens should notify the Ludovika-UPS Epidemiology Operational Corps (ot@uni-nke.hu).
- Keep distance, do not give kisses, ventilate often! Observe the rules of social distancing in classrooms, lecture halls, community spaces, and when queuing at the University! Avoid forms of greeting that involve physical contact, especially hugs and kisses. For classes, lectures, and other events, skip a seat next to your neighbor and ventilate each room frequently!
- The wearing of a mask or scarf covering the mouth and nose is encouraged in the closed spaces of the University.
- Hygiene above all! Please regularly use the hand sanitizers displayed in buildings and wash your hands frequently.
- Take special care of the health of the administrative staff members! When in administrative work spaces, visiting the library, and other community spaces, pay special attention to the preservation of the health of the employees, use a hand sanitizer before entering these places and wear a mask during your visit.
- Exercise, but be careful! Follow the special epidemiological rules for each sports facility, which can be found on the information boards displayed in each facility.
- Take extra care in dormitories! Dormitories are particularly sensitive places from an epidemiological point of view, so pay special attention to the rules of prevention and distancing. Only receive guests when absolutely necessary, clean your room regularly and thoroughly, and ventilate it frequently. Violators of dormitory epidemiological rules may be temporarily or permanently expelled from the dormitory under the relevant procedures.
- Get epidemiological preventive medical check-ups! Preventive fever measurements can be performed at the University entry points, which can affect all entrants, but there can also be a random check. Anyone whose temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees on two consecutive measurements may not enter the University grounds.
- Report if quarantined! If you have been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection or have been placed in compulsory quarantine for any other reason, notify the University Epidemiology Operational Corps (ot@uni-nke.hu). Thoroughly adhere to the quarantine provisions or present two negative PCR tests according to the rules in force. In the absence of these, do not enter the University area!
Budapest, 26 August 2020