Ludovika – University of Public Service intends to commence the study activities of the Academic Year 2020/2021 in the regular teaching and curriculum order at all of its Campuses. If the Government of Hungary introduces such measures in relation to the evolving pandemic situation, which requires the change of the study and curricular activities of the forthcoming Academic Year at Ludovika–UPS, the present and future citizens of the University and members of the Ludovika Community shall be informed in immediate due course.
- The most prominent preventive epidemic rule remains, that is, anyone who experiences or discovers on immediate family members, sharing the same household, flu-like symptoms (such as coughing, fatigue, high fever, etc.), do not attempt to visit the premises of the University, but remain at home and as soon as possible contact a doctor or the relevant medical facility. If someone is not able to take up their tasks and work due to such symptoms, the immediate superior shall be informed through email, as well as the Epidemic Operation Body of the University (
- It is required that every member of the Ludovika Community, all citizens of the University shall pay increased attention to duly observe the rules in accordance with social distance! Use of mask or scarf covering both the mouth and the nose continues to be expected in all indoor facilities and community spaces of the University. It is also recommended to use regularly the antiseptic/disinfectant facilities placed throughout the buildings of the University, as well as the frequent hand-wash and sanitisation.
- It remains advisable to refrain from physical contact upon greeting others, particularly avoid hugging and kissing.
- University libraries and other facilities and offices with customer or client service are open and functioning normally with opening hours and operation regulations as announced on the official website of the University. During the visit to these offices or the libraries or other community spaces increased caution is necessary and required for the effective protection of the health of those working there.
- All sport facilities of the University are open to visitors, however, the implementation of special epidemic rules, in accordance with the individual features of these establishments, shall be observed cautiously. The strict observance of preventive epidemic regulations is particularly important at the swimming pool and related facilities.
- Besides normal cleaning, all premises and facilities of the University are subject to additional sanitisation that is performed regularly. Furthermore, regular ventilation in the offices is also advisable.